Recent Releases

Personal Projects
WP2022 (Winter Project 2022)
Isometric Shoot 'em up (Made in Unreal Engine 5.1)
A simple isometric shmup set in a fixed arena that I created to gain more experience in Unreal Engine. I developed a custom ability system in C++ which is used by the player and enemies, allowing quick development of new and varied actions.
Academic Team Projects
Lucky Limbo (Unreal Engine 5.0)
AI and VFX Programmer
​August 2022 - April 2023
Sole AI programmer and designer on three unique enemy types to create a variety of challenges for the player.
Used behavior trees to create an overall sequence of actions and inheritance was used to establish variation and uniqueness between enemy types.
Designed and implemented an enemy wave system made up of bursts.
Implemented animation logic for enemies using animation blueprints, notify nodes, and blendspaces.
Created VFX and game-feel elements for key interactions using Niagara Particle Systems.
Alchemist’s Grove (Unity)
AI Programmer
​January 2022 - April 2022
Sole AI programmer and designer on two unique enemy types to create unique encounters for the player.
Used finite-state machines to create decision-making of enemies.
Synced animations and sounds to enemy behaviors and events using Unity's event system.
Monster-A-Salt (Unreal 4.26)
AI Programmer and Technical Director
​August 2021 - December 2021
Designed, implemented, and iterated on a boss and a non-boss enemy using behavior trees and animation blueprints to create an engaging combat experience.
Organized the tech team and adapted to meet the project's needs by corresponding with other departments, delegating tasks, and advocating for the needs of tech.
pEngine - Personal Project
pEngine is 3D game engine built in C++ using a component based structure, lua scripting, and a Dear Imgui editor.
The purpose of this engine was to get more practice with C++ and game engine architecture.